Naval  Association  of  Canada

 Association navale du Canada 


Welcome to the Naval Association of Canada - Vancouver Island Branch (NAC-VI).

Built on a base of retired and serving naval personnel of all ranks, NAC-VI welcomes as members all those interested in working to ensure Canada has the Navy it needs.

Membership is open to all who are interested in the welfare and support of the Royal Canadian Navy – whether serving, retired, or civilian - no matter their rank.

NAC-VI is composed of members who are ready, willing and able to actively and effectively take steps in support of one or more of the naval Association's three objectives: 

  • the need for a capable Canadian Navy,
  •  the need to recognize and preserve Canada’s maritime heritage, 
  • and the expression of naval camaraderie and mutual assistance.
Memberships can be established and donations made here.  Please visit our personal site for more details of our organization and pictures of our Navy at work for us!

Become a Member

Do you want to become a member? Start by clicking the appropriate button below, then "NEXT"

One-year introductory memberships are available to new members. Simply select "NAC Introductory" on the list of memberships that follows

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* Membership level

Here's a link to the current STARSHELL

Previous editions are available online at the NAC website  Naval Affairs page. 

Manage Your Membership

Update your personal information (and email & privacy settings), or renew your membership by  logging in through through these links:

Upcoming events

  • There are no upcoming Branch events

Learn more

Check out more information about NAC-V by reviewing our

News & Items of Interest (Under Review)

Recent Discussion Forum Updates (Under Review)

  • There are no forum topics to display.


While most of the pages for members are relatively straight forward and easy to explore, help is available if needed for key profile features and self-service options. 

New Member Guide 

Many features are normally accessed and can be edited from your personal profile.  That can be reached from any page (if signed in) by clicking on your name at the top right-hand corner of any page.  The following link will also take you there. 

 Member Personal Profile

Member profile pages are somewhat unique. This file  might also be helpful in navigating through them. 

NAC Working with Wild Apricot 

Copyright © 2017 Naval Association of Canada - Ottawa Branch,  78 Lisgar St, Ottawa, ON K2P 0C1

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software