Naval Association of Canada (NAC) members reside across Canada and abroad, and share an interest in our Navy and the maritime security issues that impact the safety and security of our nation.
While all are members of the National organization, its membership services are also administered through Branches located in cities across Canada. In addition to advancing the national goals and values of the Association, the Branches provide for NAC awareness and programs in their local communities, share locally focused events and news, and provide face-to-face opportunities to meet with the others who share our interests.
We strongly encourage all with an interest in our Maritime history and security to join. For more information on the NAC, please visit the sites below or contact the national coordinator.
All NAC members are registered on a shared National database. Members across the country are provided online access to a personal account. In addition to joining the NAC community, they can edit and manage their personal private profile, tailor individual preferences for privacy and information sharing, and register for events whether locally in person or online across the nation.
The NAC is increasingly active online, and our membership services are available on all personal devices for enhanced access and mobility. Many of the pages and events are available only to members. Lastly, branches may choose to design web pages tailored to their local membership requirements.
NAC has harmonized its membership categories and is centralizing its membership management procedures. While activity within the application is integrated and often processed by the same individual, applying for a new membership and renewing an existing one are separate functions when conducted online. Hence the links provided in the separate JOIN or RENEWAL sections below.
This site and the links below will be kept up-to-date as that membership initiative progresses. At the same time, NAC memberships can also be administered through some of the local Branches. Their separate websites can be found in the BRANCHES listing.
JOIN !Membership
has been harmonized nationally to broaden the understanding of
membership in a national organization, streamline the membership support
and administration of all members across the country, and assist local
branch governance and initiatives. Individuals who wish to JOIN and affiliate with any Branch may
now do so online - please use the link in the box below: Naval Association of Canada On
joining, new members complete a contact form to inform their membership profile. That includes the selection of an affiliation with a
preferred branch. They will be added to that Branch's list of members
for their local community news and information, and their dues will
contribute to local and regional activities in addition to National
services If a member prefers to remain affiliated with the national level only, their dues will remain fully in support of national initiatives. |
Current members who wish to RENEW their national membership online may use the ink below to complete their renewal. The link will draw from your existing registered membership category and your renewal, once completed, will be applied immediately to your personal membership profile. Allocations due to their respective branches will be transferred accordingly.
Some branches may offer local renewal options available to their local members as well which, while they may follow different routes, will ultimately be reflected in the national online registry. If so, branch local instructions may be offered and can be followed instead.
The online renewal process involves two stages:
Should you encounter any difficulties with the online renewal process, please contact your Branch Membership Director or the national coordinator.
DonationsMembership renewal is a traditional occasion that many members use to make donations to their branch or other worthy charitable causes supported by the NAC. Further information on these charities can be found on the donation page at the link below. |